Single-level Plano Event Center has accessible restrooms facilities, drinking fountains and power-assist entrance doors. The facility is easily accessed from public sidewalks and parking areas. Designated accessible parking is available on the east and west sides of the facility, as are van and bus accessible loading zones. For groups with special needs/accessibility issues, the number of designated parking spaces may be increased but should be pre-arranged with your Event Coordinator.
Service and/or guide animals are permitted at all times. Animals whose sole function is to provide comfort or emotional support do not qualify as service animals under the ADA. Prior approval by the Plano Event Center Manager is required for all non-service animals.
Plano Event Center provides two ATMs; one on the north side of the building outside of the Administration office and the second is located in the east hallway.
The contracted areas of Plano Event Center will be provided to you in a clean and well-supplied condition. Cleaning of individual exhibit or trade show booths is the responsibility of the user.
Communications (In-House)
Located in each hallway are wall-mounted intercoms. They can be used to request assistance during an event.
Crowd Control Management/Security
Crowd management or security personnel may be required as determined by Plano Event Center management. In general, one crowd management professional will be required per 250 guests. Plano Event Center management will determine the number of personnel needed for a safe and secure event.
The only approved armed security used at Plano Event Center is City of Plano Police. Payment is included on your event order confirmation and must be paid in full prior to your event date. Any consideration for other security providers must be pre-approved by Plano Event Center management. Additional staffing for overnight security, etc. is at the discretion and expense of the client.
The cost to repair damages is the User’s responsibility; however, Plano Event Center will arrange for all repairs. Any damages or excessive clean-up required as a result of your event will be deducted from the damage deposit or charged to your event.
Silly String, confetti, glitter, fog machines, hazers, lit candles, smoke and unsecured helium balloons are not permitted at Plano Event Center. Only low adhesive painters tape may be used to attach to surfaces.
Outside decorating companies must be approved in advance by Plano Event Center management. Please note Plano Event Center maintains an inventory of pipe and drape that is available for rental.
Fireworks, including sparklers, are prohibited at Plano Event Center.
Plano Event Center offers a wide assortment of specialty event production equipment such as staging, dance floors, specialty tables, and more. All equipment is available on a first-come first-served basis, and should be ordered in advance through your Event Coordinator. On-site, day-of-event equipment additions may be subject to additional fees per Plano Event Center management.
All utilities are exclusively provided by Plano Event Center. Available services include power, water service, and phone lines in the exhibit hall space. Electrical service is available in most areas of the building. Please see the Equipment Rental Fee Schedule under Tradeshow/ Electrical for rates and specific offerings. All requests for electrical service should be placed in advance. Due to labor schedules, on-site, day-of-event orders for electrical services may be subject to twice the normal service rate. Water and compressed air connections are available in very limited areas of Collinwood Hall under special circumstances. Please consult your Event Coordinator for rates and details.
Drapes, curtains, table coverings and skirts, carpet or any materials used in exhibits or as props must be flame retardant and be accompanied by a Fire Certificate of Flame Resistance. All such materials are subject to inspection and on-site testing by the Fire Marshal. Fire-fighting equipment, fire extinguishers, fire hose cabinets, exits and/or exit signage may not be hidden or obstructed. City of Plano Fire Codes are strictly enforced by Plano Event Center. The Fire Marshal’s decision will be considered final.
First Aid & Emergency Medical Services
A paramedic may be required on-site during show hours. Please make arrangements for emergency medical services with your Event Coordinator thirty (30) days prior to your event. An Automated External Defibrillator (AED) as well as a LifeVac for a choking emergency is located between the exit doors inside of Collinwood 3 and in the hall across from the concession stand. If 911 is called, please notify your Event Coordinator.
All floor plans must be approved by Plano Event Center management a minimum of 30 days prior to load-in and may be subject to approval by the City of Plano Fire Marshal. Your Event Coordinator will provide guidelines and create a floor plan for your event that incorporates policies mandated by the City of Plano Fire Department.
Plano Event Center Catering is the exclusive food and beverage service provider at Plano Event Center and offers a vast array of food services to meet your specific needs. Outside food or beverage is not permitted in the facility, with the exception of wedding cakes.
Plano Event Center provides complimentary water service for meeting rooms in the east wing of the building for corporate events.
A concession stand may be opened with an advance deposit. Please consult with our catering representative for additional information.
Exhibitors selling or sampling any pre-approved items must obtain a City of Plano Food Handler/Temporary Health Permit. Sample sizes are limited to 2-ounce individual servings. The licenses must be purchased in advance of the show opening date according to the requirements of the City of Plano Health Department. Evidence of city permit is required prior to opening of show to avoid opening delays. The health department’s website is Plano Event Center does not allow outside vendors to sell food or beverages.
Visit the Health Department's WebsiteThe information office, open Monday – Friday from 8AM to 5PM, is located in the main hallway. Office services (copies, fax, scanning, notary services, etc.) are available for a fee. Brochures, local maps and city guides are also available or you may visit for additional information.
Users and their sub-contractors may be required to provide a current Certificate of Insurance. Specific requirements are referenced in your event contract.
Internet Access (In-House)
Plano Event Center provides exclusive telecommunication services that can be tailored to meet the needs of our clients, show management and exhibitors. Our facility is covered by a wireless access system (Wi-Fi). Internet Access is provided exclusively by Plano Event Center. Hard-wire connections are available for an additional charge. Additional bandwidth may be available for a fee. Plano Event Center requires authorization from the client and payment from exhibitors prior to installation of services.
A loading bay is located on the south end of the building and affords easy access to the facility. A street level load-in door enters directly into Collinwood on the west side. To maintain safe and efficient operations, Plano Event Center will retain complete control over all loading dock space.
Contractors and exhibitors loading in and out of the facility must do so through the loading dock. Loading in or loading out will not be permitted through other areas of the facility. The exhibit hall loading doors must be closed one hour prior to start of show in order to provide appropriate heating and cooling levels.
Fifty percent (50%) “work lights” will be provided at no charge in exhibit halls during move-in and move-out. One hundred percent (100%) “show lights” will be provided one (1) hour prior to show opening and meetings. Lighting requests outside these parameters will be charged at the prevailing hourly rate.
Lobby/hallway areas are considered to be public space and are reserved for uses such as registration, circulation,information, food service, etc. and use for these purposes is subject to approval by Plano Event Center.
Plano Event Center is not responsible for any articles left after an event. Please call our main number, 972-941-5840 for inquiries.
The service hallways, technical mezzanine, rear loading dock and any other areas marked ‘employees only’ are off-limits to all visitors unless accompanied by a staff member.
Plano Event Center offers complimentary parking with over 900 spaces for your guests. Limited RV parking is available for a fee on a first-come-first-serve basis. Camping, outside cooking, use of generators and loitering are not permitted. Arrangements for valet or special needs should be made with your Event Coordinator thirty (30) days prior to your event. Towing may be enforced at the owner’s expense for vehicles parked in unauthorized spaces/loading zones.
Events are not allowed to charge attendees for parking without the prior approval of Plano Event Center management.
The City of Plano has an active green initiative. The center recycles paper, cardboard, plastic, aluminum and more.
Room capacities vary with the addition of staging, dance floors or audio-visual equipment. Please check with your Event Coordinator to confirm room capacities prior to preparing room specifications for your event. Changes in the set-up once the room is set will be subject to charges. Any change requests within 24 hours of event opening are subject to additional charges.
Outdoor signage must be approved in advance. For further information, please contact your Event Coordinator.
Arrangements for banner hanging should be made through your Event Coordinator thirty (30) days prior to your event and may be subject to additional labor charges.
Plano Event Center provides digital signage in the east and west halls. Customization (logos, itineraries, event-specific information) is available. Contact your Event Coordinator or Technology Services for pricing.
Plano Event Center is a non-tobacco, non-vapor facility. There is a designated smoking area outside the building.
Please notify your Event Coordinator upon choosing an outside third party contractor (e.g. decorators, exhibit services). The Event Coordinator will work with the chosen contractor to make any necessary arrangements.
The client is responsible for the removal of bulk trash from the exhibit floor prior to opening of show. Charges may apply for excessive clean-up costs or bulk trash removal. Bulk trash is defined as any material that cannot be readily removed by a standard push broom.
Vending machines are conveniently located in the East Hallway.
The City of Plano Fire Regulations requires any vehicle displayed inside the facility to meet the following criteria:
- Batteries shall be disconnected in an approved manner.
- Vehicles or equipment shall not be fueled or defueled within the building or on the surrounding property.
- Fuel in the fuel tank shall not exceed one-eighth of the tank capacity.
- Fuel systems shall be inspected for leaks.
- The location of vehicles or equipment shall not obstruct or block exits or exit signage.
- Fuel in Once a vehicle is placed, Visqueen is to remain under the vehicle as carpet protection.
- Vehicles may not be relocated during show hours.
- All exhibit vehicle keys must be in the possession of the Event Coordinator in case of emergency