Join us at Plano Event Center May 20-22, 2022 for another round of quality shopping with these world-class mineral, gem, and fossil dealers! Open at 10am each day. Bring your family and friends for an enjoyable and exciting show! FREE Admission, FREE Parking!
$100 Hourly Dealer Voucher Giveaways on Friday, May 20th from 11 am – 5 pm. (must be present to win)
Have safe family fun, support your favorite dealers and support small businesses. Rocks, minerals, fossils, polished stones, gemstone jewelry, and more!
All of our shows offer free admission to the public, free parking and a safe, fun, shopping experience.
Make sure you see the Special Exhibit “Tea Pots and Minerals” by Gail Copus Spann
Fool’s Pyrite Ague with Will Heierman, May 20, 3pm to 4pm only!
Will has prospected for and small mined gold, sapphires, rubes, and occasionally other minerals since 1979. He is a retired mathematician who lives in Meadows Place southwest of Houston but spends his summers in Montana. He is a Life Member and Past President of the New York Mineralogical Club, member of the Houston Area Mineral Society (HAMS), past speaker and exhibitor at GIA in Carlsbad, California, and featured exhibitor at shows around the country, including the Tucson Big Show and AMFED National Show in Billings, Montana. Anyone interested in prospecting, rockhounding, or just seeing neat specimens should find something to enjoy in this whimsical discussion, illustrated by slides and some of his favorite specimens. Among other things, the origin of the title of his remarks will be explained.